Things to Know Before Applying For a Home Loan
Pay All Your Bills on Time When applying for a House Loan Dubai , it’s important you have a good credit history, which includes paying all your bills on time, every time. A late payment may negatively affect your credit score, and that can play a part in whether you’re approved for financing and ultimately, the rate and term you may receive. Even after your home loan closes, it’s still important to pay your bills on time, as this could affect your ability to apply for future loans. Be Wary of Employment Changes A stable employment history is important when preparing to buy a home. After all, you have to show that you have the stability and continuity of income to repay the loan. “Requirements may vary based on the type of employment you have, but for most salaried borrowers, there is no specific time on the job required,” Let’s say Bill, Executive Vice President of Capital Markets at XYZ company. “Lenders will review a two-year work history, which includes consideration f...